[TIL] 2023.05.23 Prisma schema Model 생성

Prisma schema

The Prisma schema file is the main configuration file for your Prisma setup. It is typically called schema.prisma and consists of the following parts:

  • Data sources: Specify the details of the data sources Prisma should connect to (e.g. a PostgreSQL database)
  • Generators: Specifies what clients should be generated based on the data model (e.g. Prisma Client)
  • Data model definition: Specifies your application models (the shape of the data per data source) and their relations


Whenever a prisma command is invoked, the CLI typically reads some information from the schema file, e.g.:

  • prisma generate: Reads all above mentioned information from the Prisma schema to generate the correct data source client code (e.g. Prisma Client).
  • prisma migrate dev: Reads the data sources and data model definition to create a new migration.


Data Model

  • Database의 테이블에 매핑되는 개념.
  • Field (DB의 column과 동일), Filed Type (DB의 data_type과 동일), 제약조건 (unique, realation(1:n, n:m 관계)) 으로 이루어져 있음.


Defining an ID field

model User {
  id      Int      @id @default(autoincrement())
  • In relational databases, the ID can be a single field or based on multiple fields. If a model does not have an @id or an @@id, you must define a mandatory @unique field or @@unique block instead.
  • autoincrement()는 해당 필드를 자동으로 증가하는 값으로 설정합니다.
  • cuid()는 cuid 사양에 따라 고유한 식별자를 생성합니다.
  • uuid()는 uuid 사양에 따라 고유한 식별자를 생성합니다.
  • now()는 생성된 시간의 시간을 기록합니다.


Defining a default value

model Post {
  id         Int        @id @default(autoincrement())
  createdAt  DateTime   @default(now())
  published  Boolean    @default(false)

Default values can be:

  • Static values that correspond to the field type, such as 5 (Int), Hello (String), or false (Boolean)
  • Lists of static values, such as [5, 6, 8] (Int[]) or ["Hello", "Goodbye"] (String[]). 
  • Functions, such as now() or uuid()


Relation fields

model User {
  id    Int    @id @default(autoincrement())
  posts Post[]

model Post {
  id       Int  @id @default(autoincrement())
  author   User @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id])
  authorId Int // relation scalar field  (used in the `@relation` attribute above)
  • A relation is a connection between two models in the Prisma schema. For example, there is a one-to-many relation between User and Post because one user can have many blog posts.
  • The following Prisma schema defines a one-to-many relation between the User and Post models.
  • At a Prisma level, the User / Post relation is made up of:
    • Two relation fields: author and posts. Relation fields define connections between models at the Prisma level and do not exist in the database. These fields are used to generate Prisma Client.
    • The scalar authorId field, which is referenced by the @relation attribute. This field does exist in the database - it is the foreign key that connects Post and User.


Optional and mandatory fields

model Comment {
  id      Int     @id @default(autoincrement())
  title   String
  content String?
  • When not annotating a field with the ? type modifier, the field will be required on every record of the model.










prisma 공식 문서 너무너무 친절해서 약간 감동받음 ㅋㅋ 오늘 느낀 prisma 꿀팁 -> prisma schema 수정할 때는 `npx prisma format`을 생활화하자. 사전에 에러 잡아주고 말 그대로 매우 유용함! 오늘도 예약 기능 구현 마치고 생산적인 하루를 보냈다. 🥰